Thursday, 24 September 2015

Codes and Conventions of the Zombie Horror genre

Codes and Conventions of the Zombie Horror genre

Here is an image of a mind map of the code and conventions of a trailer and zombie horror trailer. 

Displaying IMG_20150909_103638531.jpg

Codes and conventions of a trailer

The conventions of a trailer are that they contain montages to give an audience an idea of the synopsis, show some of the best scenes of the film to the audience and to show a lot but in a short duration as if those scenes were not shown in a montage, it would take too long and would not be appropriate to show in a two and half minute trailer.

A trailer also is separated into two types, a teaser and the other being a theatrical. The teaser trailer normally lasts up to 30 seconds. the reason why teaser trailers for films are much shorter than the theatrical trailer is due to it to create hype and create viral word of mouth as the teaser trailer is normally released nine months before the release of the film. The teaser trailer creates mystery for the audience (intellectual puzzles) thus advertising the audience and making them engaged within the product but only including little details about the film thus not creating any spoilers about the film. A teaser trailer usually contains small details about the film such as website details, posters and dates (usually stating "coming soon") in which they advertise the teaser trailer nine months before the release of the film to create a sustained period of hype adding to the valubility of the film to the audience as they will be excited to see the film and more likely to consume the product in which little facts about the film is leaked to the audience on purpose as it gives the audience 'secret' information about the film (almost creating the effect of a spoiler but not giving away any major details about the film) which helps sustain the hype and anticipation of the film for the audience as it sustains word of mouth.  The theatrical trailer’s duration is usually 2 ½ minutes which gives the audience more information about the film extending the hype for the audience. 
A trailer contains the main actors which will engage the audience into the trailer as they will recognise the actor and they may be significant to the viewer which will hook the viewer to watch the trailer. Also by the main characters being introduced it gives the viewer an insight of what the characters are like, as a result the viewer may like the characters and would possibly like to see more of that character(s).

An opening and an open conclusion can be identified within a trailer, revealing as little as possible to create a story for the audience but a story of their own interpretation and an idea of what they saw within the trailer but not reflecting the actual narrative of the trailer, but creating mystery for the audience, thus creating the genre pleasure of intellectual puzzles for the audience through semantic (Altman) meanings, which therefore will entice the audience to want to watch more and see the final product (film).

Iconography is another convention of the trailer as there are specific, unique signature colours and style within the trailer. These create a logo/emblem of the product (film/trailer) which the audience can recognise and when this product is advertised on various formats, the audience will be able to identify the emblem/logo created from the conventions from the genre without even seeing the title of the product. An example of this can be a horror slasher in which the emblems seen on a format of a poster can be the signature weapon, the colours of red and black and a silhouette of the antagonist which tells the audience, enables them to identify what the specific film is.

The codes and conventions that can be found within the zombie horror genre are fast paced editing which creates a visceral feel for the audience as they will feel exhilaration and feel tense as this editing technique is usually used for chase scenes. By the audience feeling this way, it will keep them engaged within the trailer and the audience may want to watch more. Fast editing is used within a montage in which achieves two things: it engages the audience within the visual text, making them feel tense. And it works well with a montage as multiple scenes and the best parts of the film are shown within a short duration through fast editing , to keep within the limit of two and half minutes.
The convention of hand held camera movement can be identified within a zombie horror trailer as it creates an uncontrolled situation and makes the audience feel tense/anxious.

 The use of the hand held camera movement makes the protagonists within the scene feel more vulnerable as they do not have control of the situation, thus making the audience feel more tense, which creates a visceral and emotional pleasure for the audience, therefore as result keeping the audience engaged within the visual text as they may sympathise with the protagonists and want to see if they are safe.

The convention of the point of view shot can be recognised within the zombie horror trailer as it may either be a point of view shot from the protagonist’s or the antagonist’s perspective. If the point of view shot is used for the protagonist, it creates a sympathetic emotion for the audience as it puts the audience in the protagonist’s shoes in which creates more of an understanding of the protagonist’s thoughts and feelings to the audience, therefore engaging them into the visual text. Also when the scene is a problematic situation for the protagonist, it makes it feel more terrifying for the audience as it creates an illusion that they are faced with this situation but do not have no control of the situation, therefore scaring the audience.  If the point of view shot is used for the antagonist’s perspective, it can create an unease feel for the audience as they will feel the evil forces of the antagonist which makes the audience feel unpleasant and can also create anticipation for the audience as they can predict want the antagonist is going to do next, possibly going to harm the protagonists, making the audience feel tense and dread as they do not want to see the innocent harmed and will watch more to see if the innocent are okay. 

The convention of iconography can be identified within the visual text. Iconography for the zombie horror trailer is the colour red and black, which symbolises blood, gore and the acts of evil. This instantaneously makes the audience feel unease (emotional pleasure -Altman) when identifying the iconography specific to the zombie horror trailer. The purpose of iconography is that it makes it easier for the audience to identify what genre it is, if they are the correct target audience, they will be engaged within the visual text as they like the genre which creates emotional pleasure and anticipating which excites the target audience, therefore making them want to see more.  

I have learnt certain codes and conventions that are seen in the majority of zombie horror films which the target audience expects and enjoys to see i.e. fast pacing of the film and violence as the target audience are the cliche 'adrenaline junkies'. in which they like to experience adrenaline often in which zombie films are intense and fast paced which creates the experience of adrenaline to the audience, which I am going to use the convention of fast pace and intensity as that is what the target audience enjoys most about the genre and my aim is to make a successful zombie horror trailer.  I will also include conventions of iconography of the main protagonist having a unique costume and weapon (prop) as it will create synergy between the main protagonist and the product (theatrical trailer) as the audience identifies the symbol of the costume and weapon, they will instantly think of the film/theatrical trailer which will further advertise the theatrical trailer even more. 


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