Wednesday 23 March 2016

Ancillary texts questionnaire

Ancillary texts questionnaire 

Here is the questionnaire for the ancillary texts (The Hunted).

The Hunted film questionnaire

Q1.  What is your gender? (Please circle)
Male                 Female

Q2. Which one of the following words best describes you? (Please circle)
Outgoing             Outdoorsy              Relaxed              Fashionable          Tech Savvy
Fun               Nerdy               Couch Potato

Q3. Which of the following did you find most effective about the trailer? (Please circle)
Editing                   Soundtrack                Locations              Performers
Camera shots                 Costume/Props

Q4. How well do you think we portrayed a post-apocalyptic disaster world? (Please circle)
Poorly             Quite well             Very well

Q5. Overall  how suitable do you think our main character is for our post-apocalyptic disaster genre? (Please circle)
Not suitable                Suitable              Very suitable    

Q6. Which of the following themes do you feel was best communicated throughout the trailer? (Please circle)
Death            Isolation          relationship          loss         survival            
Q7. Do you think the locations used successfully represented a post-apocalyptic world? (Please circle)
Yes                       No

Q8. If no what locations do you think would have been more effective?

Q9. How well do you feel the poster represents the film trailer?
Poorly                   Quite well               Very well

Q10. Do you feel that the film poster resembles that of a professional film poster?
Yes                          No
If not, why?

Q11. Do you feel that the magazine cover resembles that of an actual magazine cover?
Yes                          No
If not, why?

Q12. How effectively do you think our three main products combine?

Poorly                   Quite well                 Very well

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