Film regulations
According to BBFC, the age certificates are:
Age certificate U
The age certificate U stands for universal which the universal film should be appropriate for viewers aged four and over. Universal films should not raise any significant concerns in regards to any discrimination, drugs, language, imitable behaviour, nudity, sex, threat or violence.
There will not be any bad inappropriate language but some universal films may contain infrequent use of mild language such as words like "damn" and "hell".Universal films usually contain positive messages about, loyalty, friendship, honesty, particularly amongst children. The film normally has a happy ending and the overall tone of the film should be one of reassurance.
Age certificate PG
The age certificate PG stands for parental guidance which
means that this film is suitable for general viewing, but there may be some
scenes which may not be suitable for young children. A PG film should not
unsettle a child aged eight and older. A PG film will not contain any themes
which are inappropriate for children. PG works can explore challenging issues
such as bullying, bereavement or racism. A PG film will may contain mild
language, undetailed and infrequent sex references (which is unlikely), mild
violence, there might be innocuous or passing references to illegal drugs, in
addition, drug references may be permissible if there is a clear anti-drugs or
an educational message that is likely to be understood by children eight years
and older.
Age certificate 12
Films that are classified as a 12 contains material that is not suitable for any viewers that are under 12 years old. Films that are classified as a 12 contains mild/moderate language, moderate sex references which may be briefly and discreetly portrayed, dangerous behaviour may be present but not in large detail to prevent it from being copied from children, there may be frequent sight of drugs. some horror films are classified as a 12 as it may contain moderate physical and psychological threat as long as the horror sequences are not too frequent or sustained as the overall tone is not disturbing.
Age certificate 15
Films that are classified as a 15 contains material that is not suitable for any viewers that are under 15 years old. Films that are classified as a 15 may contain strong violence, frequent strong language, portrayals of sexual activity, strong verbal references to sex, sexual nudity, brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence, discriminatory language or behaviour and drug taking.
Age certificate 18
Films that are classified as a 18 contains material that is not suitable for any viewers that are under the age of 18 years old. Films that are classified as a 18 may contain strong issues such as: very strong violence, frequent strong language or very strong language(may be aggressive) , strong portrayals of sexual activity, scenes of sexual violence, strong horror (may be sustained) , strong blood and gore, discriminatory language and behaviour, may also contain drug taking.
These age certificates are rules in which films made must comply with or otherwise they may be banned or be restricted to a limited audience.
An example of my genre is the film Attack the Block which is an English mainstream horror film which the BBFC rated the age certificate as a 15, as it uses frequent strong language. "Under current BFC guidelines, where only infrequent strong language is permitted at 12A, the work was automatically therefore a 15 category within the first reel". The film contains strong violence, gore and sustained horror. The film also contains fireworks which was used as weapons and the BBFC "has intervened through cuts in works aimed at young children which features dangerous firework play. However, in this instance, given the work is clearly for older teens and young adults, it did not affect the 15 classification". The film also contains soft drug use as there was a discussion about theportrayal of drug use, drug taking and drug dealing within the film. The BBFC Guidelines at 15 state that 'drug taking may be
shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse'.
Overall the film passed as an age certificate of 15 as it contained strong
language, violence, gore and soft drug use.
The age certificates of 15 and 18 links in with my film as
it will contain material that is not suitable for anyone under the specific
age. My film will contain strong horror that may be sustained (which comes
under the age certificate 15 and 18), strong blood and gore (which also comes
under the age certificate 15 and 18), violence and also maintain some strong
language which comes under the age certificate of 15.
So overall my film will likely come under the age certificate
15 as it will not contain all the features that come under the age certificate
18 such as: very strong violence, frequent strong language or very strong
language(may be aggressive) , strong portrayals of sexual activity, scenes of
sexual violence, and drug taking.
But does come under the age certificate 15 as it contains
some of the features such as: violence, strong language and horror but does not
contain: portrayals of sexual activity, strong verbal references to sex, sexual
nudity, brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual
violence, and drug taking. This film may come under the age certificate of 15
as it does not contain all the features of the age certificates 18 and the age
certificate of 15 but does contain some.
For my theatrical trailer, I will aim to make it an age certificate 15 as I want most the trailer to appeal as much to the target audience as possible. I will achieve this by not including very strong language(may be aggressive) , strong portrayals of sexual activity, scenes of sexual violence, and drug taking but by including sustained horror , moderate violence and no strong language which will make this theatrical trailer suitable for all the target audience as i want the theatrical trailer to be as successful as possible.
For my theatrical trailer, I will aim to make it an age certificate 15 as I want most the trailer to appeal as much to the target audience as possible. I will achieve this by not including very strong language(may be aggressive) , strong portrayals of sexual activity, scenes of sexual violence, and drug taking but by including sustained horror , moderate violence and no strong language which will make this theatrical trailer suitable for all the target audience as i want the theatrical trailer to be as successful as possible.
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