Zombie horror trailer questionnaire results
Me and my group gave questionnaires to the general public in regards to zombie horror trailers, as we want our zombie trailer (that we are going to produce) to be as successful as it can towards our target audience. Some of the main questions that we gave to our target audience is 'what aspects within a zombie film would for find most appealing to you ?' ,'What do you think is the most important aspect within a zombie trailer?' and 'What do you consider to be a professional font with a zombie film trailer?'.
What aspects within a zombie film you find most appealing to you?
For the responses for this question suggests that our target audience finds that gore/blood, death and occasional humour are the most appealing with the audience finding adventure, meaningful violence and sustained fear the least appealing.These responses are what me and my group expected due to the responses matching the profiles of the life matrix audience as they are fun/atics, rugged traditionalists and tribe-wired. For fun/atics, we hypothesised that they would mostly like occasional humour as the audience that comes under this profile likes to have fun and enjoy to laugh in which the respondents said that occasional humour would most likely to appeal to them. For rugged traditionalists, me and my group hypothesised that they would like meaningless violence and adventure due to rugged traditionalists' 'love of the outdoors' in which the respondents did not find adventure that appealing but this may be due to the factor of the target audience at that time not having as much rugged traditionalists that we gave the questionnaires to.
What do you think is the most important aspect within a zombie trailer?

For the responses for this question, the highest response was action scenes in which me and my group predicted as our target audience's life matrix profile is rugged traditionalists in which they love the outdoors in which they tend to love action scenes as it shows elements of survival in which relates to the outdoors as rugged traditionalists like survival as it tests their strengths in which they can experience a simulated pleasure of survival by watching action scenes which creates the semantic experience of visceral pleasure of survival and action.
What do you consider to be a professional font with a zombie film trailer?
Shaun of the Dead


World War Z

For the responses for this question, the highest response was the shaun of the dead trailer font title which may be due to that it has most of the conventions of a zombie film as the title is white which can symbolise innocence where the colour black for the background can suggest that the darkness is enveloping around the innocence and life in which can reinforce isolation in which isolation is a convention of zombie apocalyptic films. the word 'DEAD' is much bigger than the rest of the title in which reinforces vulnerability for the protagonists which is another convention for a zombie film, plus the word 'DEAD' has a silhouette of a zombie for the letter 'A' in which tells the audience that the title is a zombie film just by the audience glancing at the title. The zombie title 'VIRUS' was the second highest response as it had most of the zombie conventions similar to Shaun Of The Dead but the presentation was not as good as Shaun Of The Dead as the title 'VIRUS' is bland as the letters within the title does not have much clarity within the appearance as further away the audience views the title will ale it harder to see the letters clearly due to the colour red and black does not stand out as much as the title Shaun Of The Dead. The title World War Z received the lowest responses as it does not indicate to the audience that it is a zombie film due to lack of ombre conventions as the title looks more like a action film involving swords and blades in which the only indication to the audience that they could perceive it as a zombie film is that it displays the letter Z in a big font size in which the audience can associate the letter with zombies as that is one of the only words that begin with the letter z.